Thursday, July 10, 2008

people are rude.

how come whenever i want to sit and eat somewhere in the summer, i can't? large picnics, fairs, festivals, amusement parks, it's all the same. there's always food and never enough tables, so i end up eating on my lap or the ground or scrounging for a bench. while other people who have finished eating - sometimes with dirty plates in front of them, some with an empty table except for one cup - continue to sit at the table while the rest of us scrounge for them. it's like they're pissed they had to wait for a table, so when they finally have one, they don't want to give it up. instead of moving and letting someone who needs the table sit there, i've seen people sit and hang out for over an hour. my favorite is when they see you wanting it and give you a smirk, like "ha ha sucker, i got it and i'm not even using it!" or if you ask to use an empty chair (that's saved for their kids who are off playing god knows where) they tell you its reserved...then the whole 15 min it takes you to eat, no one ever sits in it. somebody else would like to eat too, you know. maybe if you got up and let someone else have a turn, next time you need it, someone would get up for you. it still surprises me how rude people are.

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