Sunday, July 6, 2008

every street's a landfill.

same crap, different situation...

so i was driving home from wegmans today when the car in front of me starts throwing their trash out the window. now in my 26 years, i've seen and cleaned up a lot of trash on the side of the road, but those roads were always out in the middle of nowhere, not in the middle of the city...nor have i ever actually caught someone in the act. what the hell is wrong with people? regardless of the "$500 fine for littering" signs, who thinks "hmm, i'm done with my ice cream and the cup is really weighing down my car...i need better gas mileage, i better throw it out the window, fast" seriously. what the hell is wrong with people? when i was full into my rant, i noticed their ontario, canada license plate. enough said.

1 comment:

Christopher Piggott said...

What I don't get is this: people who would normally not throw trash out the window don't seem to have a problem throwing used cigarette butts out. Why is that? Is a cigarette butt any less littering than a big mac container?