Sunday, August 31, 2008

cleveland: day 3

we spent the day walking around university circle and made a couple stops along the way.

we tried to have breakfast somewhere nice, but the only thing open was a quiznos and mexican place, so we went for quiznos breakfast sandwiches. not bad at all. i absolutely hate it when the garbage cans are overflowing outside.

on our way to the botanical garden we walked through case western reserve university. they have a lot of cool art & architecture there. the botanical garden was cool. they have a giant glasshouse and half of it is a desert climate and the other half has a million butterflies flying around. the outside gardens vary from waterfalls and japanese to a set centered around music. it was a good way to spend the early afternoon. we then went to the vatican exhibit at the western reserve historical society. they had a ton of artifacts and pictures form the vatican. jason really liked it.

we walked over to little italy for dinner. i was disappointed that the trattoria had stopped taking walkins at 6:00! they were crazy busy and the food looked really good. i'd definitely make a reservation next time.

we ate at la dolce vita. the food wasn't anything special at all. and it definitely wasn't worth $50.
we walked off dinner before dessert and just missed corbo's bakery closing at 8. we were 0 for 2. pretty much everything closed, so we ended our night with gelato at anthony's, the only place open. it wasn't gelato exactly, much too cold and too hard, but it was good none the less.

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