Saturday, September 13, 2008

day of fun!

jason got up this morning and announced "let's have a day of fun activities today" so here's what we did:

i had leftover italian bread, fontina cheese, and prosciutto (the di parma is way better than the wegmans brand) from our wine and cheese night on friday, so i made sandwiches for breakfast for us. i just layered the cheese and then 2 pieces of prosciutto on each piece of bread and toasted it in the toaster oven. it was heaven. jason was skeptical until he tried it and then was disappointed when they were gone. try it sometime, you'll love it.

we went to the public market downtown and got our fruit and vegetables for the week. some people say you need to get there right when it opens early in the morning, but we went later, around 1, and i almost think that's better. you don't need to worry about anyone running out of produce and since it's late, all the prices are reduced. we left with apples, peaches, a zucchini, cucumbers, new potatoes, carrots, and romaine. not bad for 45 minutes.

before heading home we stopped at Goodness Cakes, a new bakery on University (just east of Starry Nites). the bakery is meant for takeout, but everything looked really good. i settled on a piece of wedding cake and a mini vanilla bean cupcake. both were really good.

we spent a couple hours in the afternoon at marketplace. we got mariokart for wii...which i'm still surprised is finally in stock anywhere. and i got some clothes. nothing too exciting.

our newest favorite dinner is lo mein with chicken and tons of vegetables. tonight we had it with snow peas, carrots, zucchini, green onions, water chestnuts, and bean sprouts...with a sauce simply of sesame seed oil and soy sauce. delish.

next up was a trip to tinseltown in gates to see the newest Cohen brothers movie Burn After Reading. it was more like the big lebowski than no country for old men. jason said it best - it was a comedic thriller. it was definitely a comedy but it also had a good story as well. i give it a B+.

after the movie it was on to vertex. we met up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while, had some drinks, and left in the pouring rain. we ended the night with a trip to the taco bell drive thru. yes, that's how the day of fun ended. taco bell. never saw that one coming.

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