Monday, August 4, 2008

best vodka sauce... rochester is at Veneto, on east ave. i'm a huge fan of vodka sauce when it's done right. i've had it at a couple local rochester restaurants and it's never been all that good. two that stand out in my mind were too greasy, too clumpy, and just plain didn't taste good.

saturday night we finally went to veneto. i started with the prosciutto wraps. warmed mozz wrapped with prosciutto, my favorite thing ever, over salad sounded amazing. the problem is that it was so greasy i almost didn't finish it. the penne in vodka sauce was excellent. the sauce was flavored perfect, not too greasy, not too heavy. i ate the rest today and was only slightly disappointed, as it was really greasy. still tasted really good.

1 comment:

Christopher Piggott said...

Hmm, I wonder if my vodka sauce would survive your scrutiny.....